Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Economics of the Cold War - 3530 Words

The decade preceding World War II is most notably remembered for the Great Depression, a world wide economic period of decline on a scale never before seen. Obviously it affected every country differently and as a result the international political system was multi-polar and divided among two groups, the Axis and the Allies. The destruction of World War II left only two countries economically viable enough to be considered a world power, the United States and the Soviet Union. This unprecedented bi-polar international system would lead to a four decade long period of political unrest, which would come to be known as the Cold War. When most people hear Cold War, they think of the arms or space race, proxy wars, and powerful political†¦show more content†¦By the end of the war the Soviet Union had liberated and occupied a large portion of Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union annexed these countries, on the grounds that they were the land given to them by Germany in a secret pre-war agreement, laying the foundation for what would become known as the Eastern Bloc. This spread of Soviet influence was made even more alarming by their lack of cooperation at the post war peace conferences. Stalin followed the conferences up by using his influence in these newly acquired Eastern Bloc countries, to establish pro-Soviet regimes and communist economies. With the spread of communist influence into Europe growing the West was quick to respond. In his famous â€Å"Sinews of Peace† speech in 1946, Winston Churchill claimed that Stalin had built an â€Å"iron curtain† through Europe and the countries that were behind it were now in the communist sphere of influence. It had a tremendous impact, in the U.S. and Western Europe, on the public opinion of the Soviet Union. Many Russian historians point to the speech as the beginning of the Cold War (Winston Churchill). With the battle lines drawn, the Cold War was upon us. In 1947, upon hearing that Gr eat Britain could no longer afford to aid Greece in its civil war against communist influence, President Truman delivered his Truman doctrine to congress. Fearing that if Greece fell Turkey would not be far behind Truman, â€Å"asked the Congress to provide authorityShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War and the Economic Decline of the USSR1491 Words   |  6 PagesApart from the two great wars, the Cold War was the most remarkable feature of twentieth century, a period of extreme hostility without actual war. By the end of the Great War, Soviet Union emerged as a powerful revolutionary state that gradually evolved into an empire over the course of following decades. It served as an ideological model for one third of the world and was considered as a secure and stable society by the rest. During this period the world was divided into two distinct blocs, theRead MoreCold War Influences on American Culture, Politics, and Economics2221 Words   |  9 PagesFollowing World War II, Europe was in ruins. Between bomb damage, economic downturn, and natural disasters such as droughts and blizzards it seemed nearly impossible to restore Europe to its prior greatness. America facilitated the recovery of Europe with military and financial aid and helped prevent the spread of communism. This aid crushed the Soviet dream of a communist Europe and started the Cold War. Over the next 45 years, the United States and the Soviet Union would resemble two angry womenRead MoreCold War Politics: Shaped By The Global Economic Crises of the USA and USSR 1563 Words   |  7 PagesSecond World War also known as Cold War. The Cold War began in 1945, leaving the door open for the search of the world dominance between the two most powerful countries at that time: The United States of America (USA) and the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). This struggle for power had to be developed under the fluctuating economic conditions of the age. Even though, the world economy was facing a cr itical stage due to the variable price of the oil and other economic effects such asRead MoreA Cold War Relic : Should The United States Seek Tighten The Economic Grip On Cuba? If So900 Words   |  4 PagesA Cold War Relic Should the United States seek to tighten the economic grip on Cuba? If so, why? In looking at the situation with common sense and practicality, a continued economic grip on Cuba, and more importantly the Cuban people, is relatively useless without the cooperation from a large number of other countries. It makes even less sense when you consider that the United States trades with countries with similar political ideologies such as China and Vietnam, China now a part of the WorldRead MoreEssay on Examining the Possible Causes of the Cold War1309 Words   |  6 Pagesof the Cold War and how it developed into one of the largest unarmed struggles in history have been subject to much debate and consequently a number of schools of thought have developed as to the origins of the Cold War. These proposed explanations to the causes of the Cold War have consisted of the orthodox, revisionist and post-revisionist theories. Each theory demonstrates a different viewpoint as to how a variety of political, economic and militaristic factors instigated the Cold War TheRead MoreThe Cold War During World War II970 Words   |  4 PagesThe Cold War was a period of 44 years of both military and political tension after World War II. There were many ideals and events that lead to the Cold War. Nationalism, poor economic conditions, and a strong desire for democracy and human rights are the primary reasons that many believe the Cold War started. However, these are just a few of the reasons for the Cold War. Events such as the Yalta Conference, Truman Doctrine, Potsdam Conference, and the Marshall Plan also greatly influenced the startRead MoreThe Cold War And The Collapse Of The Soviet Union987 Words   |  4 Pagesdifferent political theories that try to explain the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Two prominent political theories which I will explore throughout this essay are the Realist and Idealist theory. No one theory is completely correct, as many different factors must be considered regarding the collapse of the Sovi et Union and end of the Cold War. For example, one essential influence to the end of the Cold War was the role of nuclear weapons and how they were used. I believeRead MoreBone, Ambria . English 11 B. April 17, 2017. The United1272 Words   |  6 Pageseach other; the Cold War was separated into three groups (Jerylin Watson). The nation’s economy is a very difficult balancing act. Cold War confrontations nearly always conducted through surrogates or economic pressure (David Painter). This is what happened when the tensions of the Cold War affected the United States and the world (Robert H. Dugger). The United States became the global consumer of last resort for Germany, Japan, USSR, and China. The Cold War began after World War II which had twoRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union995 Words   |  4 Pagesfascinating events known in history includes the Cold War. This essay will explore the fierce, overpowering, and chaotic Cold War describing its purpose, summary and analysis of events, and how it came to a complete end. The Purpose of The Cold War The Cold War was solely a shape of political and military pressure beginning in Europe during the time era of 1945-1990. It occurred after the phenomenon of World War II between powers in the United States andRead MoreThe Cold War And Soviet Union840 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many theories and opinions of how the cold war started. Some believe that the cold war was the result of the belligerence of Joseph Stalin and the insecurity it caused in the United States and the West. Others believe the primary responsibility for the cold war derives from the hardline policies of the United States. (Viewpoints Article: the Soviet Union Start the Cold War) I believe The Cold War was triggered by the theory of two superpower countries in a race for dominance in the world

Monday, December 16, 2019

How Important Is Postgraduate Education Education Essay Free Essays

First, Jie Liu believes that it is critical for every graduate student selling instruction supplier to understand the three features of a graduate student selling pupil which are motivations, outlooks and readiness. Liu divided the factors that may possibly actuate pupils to take postgraduate selling instruction into intrinsic, extrinsic and calling related. In a research executed by Liu where questionnaires were distributed to marketing pupils of four different British universities, the consequence depicted that what motivated pupils for marketing graduate student surveies were intrinsic and calling related factors. We will write a custom essay sample on How Important Is Postgraduate Education Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now This means that pupils chose the postgraduate selling plan at their ain will so that it could assist them construct a calling and supply them with greater chances. This is the ground why there are legion international pupils in the United Kingdom as several pupils from developing states such as India and China believe that analyzing abroad can assist them achieve suited occupations. â€Å" It is promoting to happen that far more of the Chinese pupils, who have invested so much in footings of household fundss and attempt to travel to the UK to analyze, were optimistic instead than pessimistic about their calling chances † ( Counsell 2011:71 ) . In respects to outlooks, Liu states that all pupils expected that they would be provided with theoretical every bit good as practical cognition on the topic. Graduate student pupils have high outlooks that the programme will learn them a batch which will be of significance in their hereafter. Furthermore, Liu identifies the feature of r eadiness to be indispensable. Postgraduate pupils need to be prepared, holding an apprehension of the class and a series of accomplishments to assist them get by with their graduate student instruction. Liu so distinguished place and international pupils in respects to preparedness after transporting out a farther analysis. The consequences showed that international pupils were less prepared than place pupils. There are assorted grounds as to why an international pupil could be less prepared such as different larning techniques, trouble in understanding the linguistic communication, civilization daze and non being able to accommodate to the British environment. Therefore, Liu seeks to supply cognition about graduate student selling instruction in the United Kingdom by mensurating the motivations, outlooks and readiness of graduate student selling pupils. Second, the article written by Liu has its ain strengths and failings. The extreme advantage of the article is that it focuses on a peculiar field which is postgraduate selling instruction. This could help other selling research workers and leaders with their survey as there are limited researches stressing on graduate student selling programme. In add-on, Liu succeeds in making an understanding about motivations, outlooks and readiness of graduate student selling pupils which would back up graduate student selling suppliers to plan their programme consequently. With these assets, the article does keep out defects every bit good. The research prepared by Liu where questionnaires were given out to marketing pupils of four British universities did lend accurate replies but there were restrictions. As stated in the article, the research was made utilizing the questionnaires returned by 90 five pupils which is comparatively a little figure for a research made for graduate student selling instruction and the four British universities surveyed were all set in a peculiar geographical country in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, Liu references that a individual quantitative method is used in informations aggregation and that there is no qualitative attack practised in the research. Even so, Liu points out differences between place and international pupils which could be imprecise as with such a little study it is non plausible to carry through a clear and broad image. â€Å" Provision of higher instruction for international pupils has become an of import beginning of income for Western universities and these pupils have attracted research attending † ( Huang 2008:1003 ) . Therefore, even with an copiousness of facts, the article seems uncomplete and lacks preciseness. Third, Liu decidedly recognises the turning importance of graduate student selling instruction and wants postgraduate selling pupils every bit good as the graduate student selling suppliers in the United Kingdom to profit from the programme. Since international pupils constitute bulk of the programme, Liu believes that these international pupils should have maximal advantage. Marketing instruction suppliers should be able to assist, back up, and understand international pupils so as to better the experience for pupils which would back up United Kingdom to keep onto its prima place in the instruction market globally. â€Å" At a clip when higher instruction establishments are developing schemes to spread out the Numberss of graduate student pupils, placing the academic and societal demands of full-time graduate student pupils is of paramount importance † ( Humphrey and McCarthy, 1999:371 ) . To reason, Liu mentions that international pupils come all the manner to the United Kingdom, paying a monolithic sum of fee, therefore, there money should be valued and they should be provided with a theoretical and practical cognition experience. This would present an advantage to the pupils and the instruction suppliers in the United Kingdom. How to cite How Important Is Postgraduate Education Education Essay, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

General Electronic free essay sample

GE Vision Mission Statement In 1890, Thomas Edison established a company named Edison General Electric Company. In 1892, General Electric was formed by merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Company. In 1896, General Electric was one of the original 12 companies listed on the newly-formed Dow Jones Industrial Average. The early company products are lighting, power transmission transportation, and industrial products which their produce today. General Electric started produce aircraft engine in 1917 and now one of the biggest aircraft engine companies in the United States today.Not only aircraft engine, but also General Electric produces lot of different products such as energy, appliances, media, and even finance. However, the former leader of General Electric Jack Welch has strong vision that General Electric should be Either number 1 or 2 in any business it is in. In 2001, Jeff Immelt became the ninth chairman of General Electric. He brought ecomagination into business and Imagination at work. This project started the same way many research projects do, with a key word search in the infamous website Google. However, after several attempts of looking for the General Electric’s mission and vision statements we discovered it was going to take some work and deep thought because this company has none. Well, none so easily defined. At first, we thought it was unusual that a company of this size would not have a vision and mission statement outlined. Yet, after doing hours of research it gradually became clear. This is a company that does not follow the trend; in fact, one couldn’t call GE a pacesetter either. That would be too restraining.The truth is General Electric about actualizing what no one else can see, realizing products or services that no company thought was possible. GE has a mission, and they certainly have a vision. As we embarked link after link on the General Electric website, the pieces of the puzzle started to make sense, yet we still couldn’t put them together. Then slowly as if a light bulb went off in our minds we realized that the GE’s vision is to solve the world’s biggest problems through imagination and innovation.They believe they can accomplish this vision by exploring one idea at a time. Diversity in products and services lends itself to support the big picture of solving the world’s problems through unique innovations that start with thinking of the impossible. Now that this core vision, this core philosophy is clear, it takes the complexity out of the picture and reveals the company’s simple yet powerful way of approaching its business. How does a General Electric achieve this level of success and sustainability?Through a mission that balances defined framework and a healthy imagination. Structure in GE can be found in the three distinct areas of global infrastructure, finance, and media. The infrastructure includes work in energy, health, transportation, and technological infrastructure, while the finance block includes an array of products and services aimed at bettering one’s future. Of course the media includes developing, producing and marketing film, television, and sports events to a global market. One the other side of the scale is the work in Healthymagination and Ecomagination.These areas explore new ideas and innovation in two critical areas: healthcare and the environment. If Vision is regarded like what the company wants to become, it has been defined by GE’s corporate vision like ‘to bring good things to life’ , setting the goal of becoming number one or number two in every market it serves. If Mission is regarded of how it desires to serve individuals and groups, GE has defined different missions for five strong businesses that are included in the three distinct areas of global infrastructure, finance, and media that we mentioned before.In Technology Infrastructure, desires to serve individuals and groups, helping to build the healthcare, transportation, and technology infrastructure of the new century. In the business of Energy Infrastructure, it want to do it leading the field in the development, implementation, and improvement of the products and technologies that harness resources such as wind, oil, gas, and water. In GE’s Capital businesses, enabling commercial, businesses and consumers worldwide to achieve their dre ams.In media and entertainment companies, developing, producing and marketing film, television, news, sports and special events to a huge global audience. Finally, in Consumer Industry businesses, the mission of GE is to serve individuals and groups changing innovations that improve the quality of life of millions of them everywhere. General Electric’s external opportunities and threats General Electric has a lot of business diversity such as electricity, energy, finance, and health care.The company’s growth platform is Ecomagination which they focus on green product. General Electric has great opportunity to grow those green products today. The president Obama’s cabinets try to meet its 2020 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target by supporting alternative energy sources such as sun, wind, and bio gas power. He promised to make $150 billion available for renewable and alternative energy over the next 10 years. On Monday, October 5th, 2009, President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order to launching the GreenGov Challenge.The main purpose of this order is to focus to reduce greenhouse gas emission. Those regulations from the U. S government are external opportunity for the General Electric. As I mentioned about the General Electric’s platform is Ecomagination and the company supplied twenty 1. 5 MW wind turbines to the Kaheawa Wind Farm on Maui. By this activity, it reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 160 million pounds and save 163,000 barrels of oil in every single year. General Electric has a great opportunity to grow when they keep focus on alternative energy.Among GE’s external opportunities there are those related to technology and infrastructure. The company plans to launch at least 100 innovations by 2015. It is going to invest $3 billion in research and development for it. GE wants to increase people’s access to its products and processes by 15% and increase quality by 15% by then. In the Healthcare business there is the opportunity of the ‘Healthy imagination’ initiative that is under the ‘Ecomagination’ project launched in 2005. GE continues to invest in new leading tools that are going to cure disease.Traditionally GE had focused on high-tech and high-cost products (like scanners), but the company will place greater emphasis on lower cost products, that deliver only what is needed (ultrasound machine, â€Å"low dose† scanner,†¦) More opportunities could come from creating a more valuable portfolio of businesses. GE wants to restructure low-return businesses and it wants to achieve a long term growth through dispositions and acquisitions. With a focus on core operations and the new portfolio, GE Capital’s competitiveness, as a smaller and more focused finance company, can be achieved.Emerging markets with orders from third world countries for the next ten years are another external opportunity. But this opportunity is already a two-way street for GE, with some products exporting from the US to China and India, where healthcare business is booming, but other products designed and built in the developing world and coming to the west or US local market. External threats in these emerging markets are related to reducing the barriers of entry into GE, allowing emerging countries competitive pressure, like in the copying area, that can undercut and undermine these emerging opportunities.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Da Vinci Code

Ever since Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code became a bestseller, critics never ceased coming up with a variety of different explanations as to this book’s popularity with the readers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Da Vinci Code specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, most of them do agree with a suggestion that the key to The Da Vinci Code’s popularity is being concerned with author’s ability to fuse religious and conspirological motifs into a one inseparable compound – thus, presenting readers within nothing less of an ‘intellectual bomb’, which sets off by being exposed to readers’ curiosity. In his book Key to the Da Vinci Code, Ferris (2005) points out to the fact that The Da Vinci Code’s very format established objective preconditions for this novel to be avidly read: â€Å"The book is a complex blend of symbolism, historical theories, secret societies and religion, which separately presented would make for some heavy reading†¦ In the context of a novel, however, a much wider audience is exposed to the ideas in the book† (Ferris 9). Nevertheless, it appears that the actual secret of Brown novel’s popularity is not being concerned with author possessing a supreme literary talent, as much as it is being concerned with the process of Western societies growing increasingly secularized, which results in these societies’ members becoming naturally inclined to think of religious dogmas from essentially desacralized perspective. As of today, a clear correlation can be seen between the quality of living in every particular country and the extent of citizens’ sense of religiosity – the higher are the standards of living, the lesser is the chance for those who enjoy these standards to be endowed with strong religious beliefs. For example, the number of practicing Christians in such cou ntries as Denmark, Sweden and Norway is estimated to account for only 1%-2% of total population. As Durkheim (1954) had rightly noticed in his famous book The Elementary Forms of Religious Life: â€Å"Religion no longer thrills us, because many of its aspects have passed into common usage to such a degree that we are no longer conscious of them, or because they do not meet our current aspirations† (Durkheim 30). At the same time, the conceptual matrix of Christianity continues to be considered by many policy-makers in the West as a source of divinely inspired morality. For example, it never even occurred to the former American President George Bush that there was anything wrong with him making references the to the ‘good book’, while explaining what had prompted him to decide in favour of attacking Iraq.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In its turn, this ex plains why many intellectually advanced citizens are being subconsciously predisposed to pay a close attention to just about any work of literature or a movie, which is being aimed at desacralizing religion – by doing it, they establish themselves as rationale-driven and therefore, responsible individuals. Thus, Brown’s novel is best referred to as the intellectual by-product of post-industrial era, the socio-political realities of which point out to people’s sense of irrational religiosity as the ultimate indication of their lessened social value. This is exactly the reason why The Da Vinci Code is being banned from bookstores in countries where citizens’ lessened biological worth has been allowing Catholic Church to enjoy an undisputed religious and political authority, throughout the course of centuries (Philippines, Mexico, Peru), while contributing to these countries’ economic and geopolitical backwardness more than any other factor. Apparentl y, intellectually inflexible individuals simply cannot handle a simple truth that just about any religion is not being divinely inspired, as self-appointed ‘servants of God’ would like us to believe, but man-made. And, once believers are being rid of their illusions, in regards to the essence of religion as nothing but simply a sublimation of people’s death-related anxieties, Church’s religious authority will get to be automatically delegitimized down to nothing. It goes without saying, of course, that the best way of undermining Catholic Church’s religious authority and revealing its true essence as nothing but one of the most lucrative and most shameless commercial enterprises that world has ever known, would be exposing ‘savior’ as a mortal individual, endowed with sexual urges, just like the rest of people. As one of novel’s most prominent characters, Sir Teabing had put it: â€Å"A child of Jesus would undermine the critica l notion of Christ’s divinity and therefore the Christian Church, which declared itself the sole vessel through which humanity could access the divine and gain entrance to the kingdom of heaven† (Brown 216). Nevertheless, we cannot agree with religiously minded critics of The Da Vinci Code, who often refer to the plot of Brown’s novel as being based upon pseudo-historical speculations, and therefore – not worthy of readers’ attention.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Da Vinci Code specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Apparently, it never occurred to Christian critics that, while referring to novel’s affiliation with the literary genre of fiction as the foremost proof to the sheer fallaciousness of the claims, contained in it, they actually contribute to promoting Brown’s cause even further – whatever the improbable it might sound. The reason for this is simpl e – while being encouraged to analyze what accounts for fictious motifs in The Da Vinci Code, readers are being simultaneously provoked to analyze what represents fictious motifs in the Bible. In his book The God Delusion, Dawkings (2006) had made a perfectly good point, while stating: â€Å"The only difference between The Da Vinci Code and the gospels is that the gospels are ancient fiction while The Da Vinci Code is modern fiction† (Dawkings 97). Despite the format of Brown’s novel, it does operate with a variety of historically proven facts, which Christians do not like discussing, simply because these facts leave very little doubt as to the Bible being anything but the actual ‘word of God’. For example, in his dialogue with the characters of Langdon and Sophie, Sir Teabing provides readers with the insight onto the fact that, before being incorporated into Christianity’s dogma as its integral element, the divinity of Jesus was actually vo ted upon by attendees of Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.): â€Å"At this gathering (Council of Nicaea)†¦ many aspects of Christianity were debated and voted upon – the date of Easter, the role of the bishops, the administration of sacraments, and, of course, the divinity of Jesus† (Brown 199). As historical accounts indicate, during the course of the Council, its participants would never hesitate resorting to utilization of a naked force, in order to substantiate their pro and contra-divinity arguments. Here is how Grant (1975) describes the initial stages of the Council: â€Å"At the beginning, most of the bishops presented written accusations against selected colleagues. The charges could not have been theological, since the theological question had not yet been stated† (Grant 5).Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In other words, the recognition of Jesus’ divinity that had taken place during the course of the Council, was largely incidental – the number of bishops who voted in favor of recognizing Jesus’ divinity simply happened to be slightly larger than the number of bishops who voted against. In all probability, mostly illiterate bishops did not even fully realize what would be the consequence of such their decision. And yet, Catholic Church never ceased referring to the Council of Nicaea as the birthplace of a so-called ‘holy tradition’, which is still being revered by devout Catholics as something that has been passed down to them by God himself. Therefore, it is not the historical inaccuracies, contained in The Da Vinci Code, which upset Catholic clergy the most, but the fact that Brown’s novel exposes the inner workings behind the respectful faà §ade of Catholicism. As it has always been the case, throughout the course of history, Church did no t only actively try to slow down the pace of cultural and scientific progress in Europe, but it even strived to withhold the information about what Bible was all about from its own flock. Up until the time of Reformation, translating Bible from Latin into secularly spoken languages used to be considered a major sin, punishable by death. Apparently, in his novel Brown had succeeded with encouraging people to make critical inquiries about whether Catholic Church even has a right to claim any religious authority, in the first place, given its ‘glorious’ deeds in the past and also in the present. Why is it that those high-ranking Church’s officials who never get tired of preaching humility to believers, find it appropriate driving around in bulletproof limousines that often cost millions of dollars a piece? Why is it that, when they get ill, the ‘representatives of Jesus on Earth’ chose in favor of undergoing medicinal treatment in privately owned Swiss clinics, as opposed to relying on the ‘power of God’s miracle’ alone, as they expect ordinary believers to do? Why is it that the very term ‘Catholic priest’ is now being commonly perceived as synonymous to the term ‘child molester’? Why does Catholic Church continue to refer to the usage of contraceptives as ‘sinful’, hence contributing to the problem of overpopulation in the countries of Third World and ultimately, to the rise of mortality rates in this region of the world? Dan Brown can only be thankful for the fact that he does not live in time when Catholic Church was at the peak of its power (Dark Ages); because otherwise, Catholic ‘lambs of God’ would deal with the author of The Da Vinci Code rather decisively – tying him up to a pole and setting it on fire. As Nicolosi (2009) had put it in her article Just Say No to ‘The Da Vinci Code’: â€Å"You don’t debate the devil. You do not give evil the authority to question God. ‘The Da Vinci Code’ represents a debate in which the questions start with Satan’s presumptions† (BeliefNet). Just as it is the case with just about any self-righteous Christian fundamentalist, Nicolosi would do her utmost, while combating what she believe represents evil. Unfortunately, it never occurred to this person, clearly not overburdened with intelligence, that one of the sources of all evil in the world are the uncritical religious beliefs, on the part of steadfast ‘lambs of God’, like herself. Thus, it would not be much of an exaggeration to suggest that, even though Brown’s novel does contain a fair amount of historical inaccuracies, it nevertheless represents an undeniable literary, historical and above all – educational value. By reading The Da Vinci Code, people will learn to adopt a critical attitude towards just about any issue, concerning the process of religious Ã¢â‚¬Ë œwolfs in lamb’s skin’ taking an advantage of citizens’ naivety, while proceeding with the agenda that has always been the foremost trademark of those who professionally work on behalf of an organized religion – the accumulation of material riches. We can say that, by publishing The Da Vinci Code, Brown had driven yet one more nail into the coffin of Christianity, as semi-religious cult of suicidally-minded desert-dwellers, which encourages people to exterminate ‘infidels’ (a particularly godly deed), which teaches them not to marry, not to wash before eating, not to tend crops, not to bury dead (Kingdom of heaven is at hand), and which had unleashed the hell on Earth (Crusades, Inquisition), well before the coming of a hypothetical Antichrist. Given the fact that, unlike Islam, Christianity had long ago ceased being ‘alive’ religion, one should simply ignore the hysterical reactions of ‘defenders of Christian faith’ , in regards to the publishing of The Da Vinci Code – eventually, these people will learn that trying to discourage others from reading Brown’s novel is being just as futile as trying to bite their own elbows. The historically predetermined process of people coming to realization of the fact that God resides within, as opposed to residing up in clouds, simply cannot be stopped. And, the sooner particularly aggressive believers realize it, the better it will be for them. References Brown, Dan. The Da Vinci Code. Sydney: Anchor Books, 2009. Dawkings, Richard. The God Delusion. Toronto: Bantam Press, 2006. Durkheim, Emil. The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. New York: The Free Press, 1954. Ferris, Stewart. Key to the Da Vinci Code. London: Crombie Jardine, 2005. Grant, Robert â€Å"Religion and Politics at the Council at Nicaea†. The Journal of Religion, 55.1 (1975): 1-12. Nicolosi, Barbara â€Å"Just Say No to The Da Vinci Code†. (2009) BeliefNet. 19 Aug . 2009. This essay on The Da Vinci Code was written and submitted by user Raquel Ramirez to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Complete Guide Criminal Law Research Paper

Complete Guide Criminal Law Research Paper Primary Principles of the Criminal Law Research Paper Writing a Criminal Law research paper is an obligatory assignment for plenty of students from various disciplines, such as Criminal Justice and Criminology, Paralegal Studies, Law Enforcement Administration, and International Crime Justice. Since criminal law is a set of behavior rules for citizens, you will be allowed to discuss some of them or present cases related to those rules. In general, with the help of this task, you will be able to expand your knowledge about a specific topic and improve your analytical and critical thinking skills. Besides, thanks to this paper, your professor will be able to check your understanding of the material. Since criminal law is one of the most compelling areas of the entire legal practice, you will be able to research a current issue and try to find your own solution to the matter. For this assignment, you may be asked to examine particular cases or even suggest your own solutions to the presented cases. Moreover, the research paper should also be based on the relevant legislation to support your points. As a result, the process of writing the Criminal Law research paper may be complicated and demanding for you since it requires a good understanding of the selected issue and basic knowledge of the entire criminal law. Most Popular Types of Research Papers Two major types of the research paper can be applied to this assignment, namely analytical and argumentative one. The central difference between these two types is the fact that each of them has specific requirements for both – the content and the topic. To receive a high mark, you have to follow those requirements strictly. Therefore, the following description of these two research paper types will help you to choose the most appropriate one. Analytical Research Paper. This type of research paper states a topic which should be explored. Generally, this topic is provided in the form of a question and takes a neutral stance. In this research paper, you need to merely state the research question and provide readers with the answer only at the end of the paper. The central goal of this paper is to suggest a well-supported critical analysis and present actual information without personal opinion. Hence, the main body of the research paper should contain multifaceted information and thorough analysis of critical points. For this type of research paper, you may explore whether the United States jury selection is always conducted fairly or investigate the probable motives behind a particular crime. As you can see, there are a lot of issues that can be analytically examined. Besides, it has to be mentioned that some common analytic designs can help you to create new ideas. Change Over Time; Hypothesis/Proof; Cause/Effect; Problem/Solution; Comparison/Contrast; Question/Answer. Argumentative Research Paper. For an argumentative type of research paper, you need to both – state the topic and provide readers with the position you will argue. You should include this information in your thesis statement which must be located at the end of the introductory paragraph. What is more, in this type of research paper, you should persuade readers to accept a particular side by presenting evidence, various suggestive devices, and sound reasoning. Besides, for this research type, you must choose a highly-debatable and even controversial topic to be able to discuss all possible sides. For instance, you can examine the effectiveness of the Witness Protection Program in different countries. How to Find a Perfect Topic to Talk About in Criminal Law Research Paper Your professor should provide you with the list of acceptable topics or indicate your topic in the paper instructions. However, it may happen that s/he will allow you to select the topic on your own. In this case, you have to take into consideration three aspects to choose the best topic. First of all, you need to consider what fields of criminal law you have better knowledge in since if you select the issue which is connected with unknown criminal law aspect, it will be difficult for you to discuss it properly. Second of all, the future topic should be relevant and not obsolete since you have to easily find a sufficient number of sources to provide readers with fact-based evidence to support your points. Third of all, it is better to choose a topic of your interest as it will encourage you to conduct in-depth research and search for new and interesting information. Furthermore, you have to create your topic carefully since not all of them can be suitable for the research paper in the field of Criminal Law. If you find choosing a topic too difficult, you may ask your professor for help. As a result, if you follow all those three aspects, you will be able to select a perfect topic. The following list of topics may help you to create your own. Juvenile Recidivism Causes of Victimization The Key Principles of Forensic Science The Relationship Between Aggression and Crime Is the Witness Protection Program Effective? Information Sources: the Secrets of Choosing the Right Ones Before writing your first draft of the Criminal Law research paper, you need to search for some information. In general, professors ask to visit various libraries to find reliable sources, but you may also utilize the Internet. However, you have to remember that not all websites are credible. For example, you have to pay special attention to the sites which end in .edu and .gov since different educational institutions and governments maintain them. Moreover, you should consider three types of sources that you can apply, namely – primary, secondary, and tertiary ones. Primary sources serve as a basis for different research papers, such as court records, constitutions, statutes and ordinances, and common law. Secondary sources are used to analyze or describe primary sources. This type of sources includes textbooks, encyclopedias, books and articles which synthesize, review or interpret the original fieldwork. The last type of sources is tertiary one. It locates and organizes primary and secondary sources, and therefore, indexes, abstracts, and databases related to this source type. Moreover, when you find an article or book which coincides with your chosen topic, you may scan its references to collect more sources. Apart from that, if you cannot find any reliable sources on the selected topic, you may pick another one as it is impossible to develop a well-supported research paper without credible sources. Prewriting Strategies and Criminal Law Research Paper Prewriting Tips from Our Experts When you finished the process of collecting sources for your Criminal Law research paper, you have to start writing the first draft of it. In the beginning, you can create an outline for your writing. With the help of it, you will be able to organize the paper and collect all primary arguments. However, if it is too complicated for you, you may complete some other pre-writing strategies, such as Brainstorming, Freewriting, and Clustering. Brainstorming is one of the most effective techniques which can help you to gather as many ideas as possible. The central goal of this activity is to write each idea which comes to your mind. For this technique, you can collect your points in the form of a list. The primary goal of the second pre-writing technique, which is called Freewriting, is to get ideas out of your head. You may think that it is the same as Brainstorming but it is not. For this strategy, you do not need to think and then write. Instead, you have to think and write simultaneously. Therefore, you have to write anything you like but never stop writing. One may state that Freewriting is the perfect activity for those who find it difficult to start writing since this exercise helps to warm up the brain. The last pre-writing technique which will be described is Clustering. This strategy will be effective for you if you have a great imagination since you should imagine the connections between arguments and link them t o the supporting points. Then, you need to put central arguments in circles and draw some lines which will symbolize the supporting ideas. Hence, with the help of this activity, you will be able to see how each idea is related to other ones. If you combine all of the strategies mentioned above, it will be much easier for you to create interesting content and organize the paper properly. Structure of the Criminal Law Research Paper To receive as many points as possible for your Criminal Law research paper you need to organize your paper thoroughly. Moreover, it will help readers to comprehend your arguments properly and not to lose the train of thought. The structure of the Criminal research paper consists of an Introductory paragraph, Main Body paragraphs, Concluding Paragraph, and Reference page. If a professor requires you to write the paper in APA style, you need to create a title page as well. The following paragraphs are going to describe each element of the Criminal Law research paper. Title Page This section of the paper has to be located on the first page. Generally, it contains the title of the paper, the student’s name, and the educational institution. Besides, at the top of the page, you have to create a running head which will include the title of the research paper. Your title should attract readers’ attention and never exceed the number of fifty-one characters or twelve words. Besides, the title should contain neither words which have no purpose nor any abbreviations. Introduction The introductory part of the research paper is of high significance, and therefore, you need to pay particular attention to writing one. First of all, you need to remember that this part consists of some background information, key arguments, and thesis statement. You must create a solid thesis statement to be able to support it with some arguments in the Main Body paragraphs. Besides, the thesis statement has to contain a research question which will be answered at the end of the paper. Furthermore, you are not allowed to insert any quotations or in-text citations. In general, this section should only introduce the topic to the readers, and consequently, it has to be short. Main Body This part of the research paper should contain at least two paragraphs since you have to provide readers with no less than two arguments. As you can see, you have to describe one point per paragraph. In contrast to the introduction and the conclusion, here you should you insert some quotations or in-text citations to support your point. If you use some of them, you must cite them properly to avoid plagiarism. There are many referencing styles, but the most common ones are APA and MLA. Hence, if the selected referencing style is MLA, your citation should look like this â€Å"(Smith 100),† while with APA referencing style, the citation has to look like this â€Å"(Smith, 2018)†. What is more, you can create or insert some charts to present some figures. To make your paper smoother, you need to use linking words, such as â€Å"moreover†, â€Å"although†, â€Å"furthermore†, â€Å"in addition to†, and â€Å"on the contrary†. Besides, you h ave to remember that the chosen linking word has to correspond to the context and not confuse readers. Conclusion The concluding paragraph has to summarize the entire paper and give the answer to the research question. However, in this section, you cannot add any new information and insert any quotations or in-text citations. As a consequence, the conclusion should resemble a brief version of the entire paper. Reference Page The reference page has to be located on the separate page at the end of the paper. You need to write the word â€Å"References† if you write in APA style or â€Å"† if you write in MLA style. One should claim that you have to include all the sources that you applied to your Criminal Law research paper. Each entry should be indented one-half inch. Besides, you need to locate your sources in alphabetical order. References Gibbs, D. (2018). Writing a Research Paper: Types of Research Papers. Library Guides, libguides.piedmont.edu/c.php?g=521348p=3564632. Lahl, A. (2008). A Guide to Prewriting Techniques. Student Learning Center, slc.berkeley.edu/you-start-writing-paper-guide-prewriting-techniques-0. Research Help: Types of Sources. (2018). LibGuides, libguides.merrimack.edu/research_help/Sources. Volokh, E., Kozinski, A. (2007). Academic Legal Writing: Law Review Articles, Student Notes, Seminar Papers, and Getting on Law Review. 3rd ed., Foundation Press. Wills, T. (2011). Tips for Writing a Research Paper. NMU Student Organizations, www.nmu.edu/writingcenter/tips-writing-research-paper.

Friday, November 22, 2019

1984 Study Guide

1984 Study Guide George Orwells 1984 is such an influential novel that you neednt have read it to notice its effect. With its chilling examination of totalitarian regimes, 1984 changed the language we use to discuss those very regimes. Popular terms like Big Brother, Orwellian, or Newspeak were all originated by Orwell in 1984. The novel was Orwell’s attempt to highlight what he saw as an existential threat posed by authoritarian leaders like Joseph Stalin. It remains a vital commentary on the techniques of brutal totalitarian regimes and only becomes more prescient and applicable as technology catches up with its nightmarish vision. Fast Facts: 1984 Author: George OrwellPublisher: Secker and WarburgYear Published: 1949Genre: Science fictionType of Work: NovelOriginal Language: EnglishThemes: Totalitarianism, destruction of the self, control of informationCharacters: Winston Smith, Julia, O’Brien, Syme, Mr. CharringtonNotable Adaptations: A film adaptation released in 1984 starred John Hurt as Winston and Richard Burton, in his last role, as O’Brien.Fun Fact: Because of his socialist politics and connections to the Communist Party, Orwell himself was under government surveillance for years. Plot Summary Winston Smith lives in what is known as Airstrip One, formerly Britain, a province of a large nation-state known as Oceania. Posters everywhere declare BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, and Thought Police could be anywhere, watching for signs of Thoughtcrime. Smith works at the Ministry of Truth changing historical texts to match the current propaganda being distributed by the government. Winston longs to rebel, but confines his rebellion to keeping a forbidden journal, which he writes in a corner of his apartment hidden from the two-way television screen on his wall. At work, Winston meets a woman named Julia and begins a forbidden love affair, meeting her in a room he rents above a shop in the midst of the non-party population, known as proles. At work, Winston suspects that his superior, a man named O’Brien, is involved with a resistance movement called The Brotherhood, led by a mysterious man named Emmanuel Goldstein. Winston’s suspicions are confirmed when O’Brien invites him and Julia to join The Brotherhood, but this turns out to be a ruse and the pair are arrested. Winston is brutally tortured. He slowly gives up all outward resistance, but preserves what he believes is an inner core of his true self symbolized by his feelings for Julia. In the end he is confronted by his worst fear, a terror of rats, and betrays Julia by begging his torturers to do it to her instead. Broken, Winston is returned to public life a true believer. Major Characters Winston Smith. A 39-year old man who works for the Ministry of Truth. Winston romanticizes the lives of the non-Party proles and indulges in daydreams in which they rise up and spark a revolution. Winston rebels in his private thoughts and in small actions that seem relatively safe, like his journal-keeping. His torture and destruction at the end of the novel is tragic because of the sheer lack of necessity; Winston was being manipulated from the very beginning and never posed any true threat. Julia. Similarly to Winston, Julia is outwardly a dutiful Party member, but inwardly seeks to rebel. Unlike Winston, Julia’s motivations for rebellion stem from her own desires; she wishes to pursue pleasure and leisure. O’Brien. Literally everything the reader is told about O’Brien in the first half of the story is revealed to be untrue. He is Winston’s superior at the Ministry of Truth, but he is also a member of the Thought Police. O’Brien therefore represents the Party perfectly: He is changeable as needed, weaponizes information or the lack of it, and ultimately serves solely to perpetuate power and snuff out resistance of any kind. Syme. A colleague of Winston’s, working on a Newspeak dictionary. Winston perceives Syme’s intelligence and predicts that he will disappear as a result of it, a prediction that quickly comes true. Mr. Charrington. A kindly old man who helps Winston rebel, and is later revealed as a member of the Thought Police. Major Themes Totalitarianism. Orwell argues that in a one-party political state where all other parties are outlawed, perpetuation of power becomes the sole purpose of the State. Towards this end, a totalitarian state will restrict freedom increasingly until the only freedom that remains is freedom of private thought- and the State will then attempt to restrict this as well. Control of Information. Orwell argues in the novel that the lack of access to information and the corruption of information makes meaningful resistance to the Party impossible. Orwell foresaw the rise of fake news decades before it was named. Destruction of the Self. The ultimate goal of all totalitarian regimes in Orwell’s opinion. Only by replacing individual desires with a template created by the State can true control be asserted. Literary Style Orwell writes in plain, largely unadorned language and a neutral tone, which evokes the crushing despair and dullness of Winston’s existence. He also ties the point of view tightly to Winston, forcing the reader to accept what Winston tells them much as Winston accepts what he is told, all of which is ultimately revealed as a lie. About the Author Born in 1903 in India, George Orwell was an incredibly influential writer, best-known for his novels Animal Farm and 1984, as well as essays on various topics covering politics, history, and social justice. Many of the concepts Orwell introduced in his writing have become part of pop culture, such as the phrase Big Brother is Watching You and the use of the descriptor Orwellian to indicate an oppressive surveillance state.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Cost of War How Government Can Strategically Reduce the Cost of Essay

The Cost of War How Government Can Strategically Reduce the Cost of War - Essay Example Now, it has been unanimously concluded that wars do much damages than it do the goods. The huge costs involved in wars put heavy strain on the state’s finances and jeopardize the future prosperity. The only solution to reduce the number of wars, if not stop wars at all, is to create an environment of global peace and tranquility. In this regard, all the parties involved, such as the governments and the global populations have to unitedly play a proactive role to spread the message of peace and universal brotherhood. The history of human civilization is replete with innumerable wars, many of which were indeed colossus in nature and were incredibly costly. Though many wars waged earlier are credited with many remarkable developments for the humankind such as the rise of capitalism, breaking out from the oppressive rulers, creation of administrative state, repossession of own territory, class struggle etc., but at the same time these brutal wars have had imprinted their indelible adverse impact on the mankind also. The huge monetary costs apart, these wars resulted into loss of invaluable human lives, which cannot be measured or consoled through money. Wars also result into inestimable demand on the scarce resources of the country. In modern times, it is believed in some quarters that wars benefit the economies of the first world countries which are rich to begin with, or countries which initiated the war. Again, it is believed in some other quarters that wars do not necessarily benefit the develo ped countries, rather wars can sometimes make these countries worse off. Whatsoever, it is undeniable that wars involve some costs such as the cost of servicing army / military, costs of rebuilding destroyed areas, human costs, environmental costs, etc. It is not easy to quantify these costs involved in wars, but the states can definitely adopt some

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Westminster Model and the Government System in the UK Essay

Westminster Model and the Government System in the UK - Essay Example This development has seriously undermined the notion of a strong nation-state. Another challenge to the Westminster model is the New Public Management standard, and this has wrought basic changes to the relationship between civil servants and Ministers. Perhaps the greatest influence has been that of the European Union, which has seriously weakened the notion of Parliamentary Sovereignty (Lapsley, 2008, p. 10). This situation has been worsened by the devolution of responsibilities to elected assemblies in Wales and Northern Ireland, and the Parliament in Scotland. These latter devolutionary changes have posed a serious challenge to the supremacy of the Westminster executive. In addition, these have shown the Westminster model as being inappropriate in a polity that enjoys greater decentralization (Lapsley, 2008, p. 10). The Westminster model is distinguished by unhindered executive superiority. This makes certain that parliamentary majority enjoys undisputed control over the central institutions of the government. Consequently, authority and political power are central to the state. In this system, governance is restricted to the elite who are seized with the public good. Such governance functions in a self – adjusting and balanced constitutional system (Diamond, 2010). The Glorious Revolution of 1688 destroyed an attempt to perpetuate a Catholic Monarchy. This was achieved by William of Orange and his wife Mary II, and it firmly established the supremacy of the Executive. Such dominance of the Executive has remained the hallmark of the political tradition of the UK. This excellent system is characterized by an unbiased civil service and shared ministerial accountability (Diamond, 2010). This perspective regarding the UK government is not unanimous and has been subjected to considerable doubt. It is believed by a significant number of authorities that the longstanding authority of the government has been gradually eroded. In fact, there has been a shift in power, both horizontally and vertically. Thus, the vertical shift has seen the transfer of power to the European Union and international institutions. Furthermore, the horizontal shift has witnessed the transfer of power to civil society and private corporations (Diamond, 2010). There has been an undeniable establishment of new territorial power centers. These are located outside the UK and have resulted from constitutional reform and decentralization. Due to these momentous developments, it is difficult to view the Westminster model as a true reflection of empirical reality. There has been a transformation from the government to governance, and this has drawn in a vast array of networks and individuals (Diamond, 2010). To a major extent, the government of the UK has retained considerable consistency in its structure and function. This has prevailed, despite the advent of collectivism and the monumental changes that its society has been subjected to. The government is decisive an d accountable, with a scant change in the institutions of Westminster and Whitehall. It has been the established practice for politicians of the various political hues to consider themselves as responsible and influential arbiters of national interest (Diamond, 2010).

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Decomposition of Bleach Essay Example for Free

Decomposition of Bleach Essay In this experiment, the rate of decomposition is calculated by measuring the volume of the product gas using water displacement. The reactant used is household bleach, which contains 5 to 6% of NaClO. The decomposition can be stated in this following equation: 2 ClO- (aq) 2 Cl- (aq) + O2 (g) To measure the rate of decomposition, a catalyst is needed to fasten the reaction. A suitable catalyst is Co2O3, which is produced from mixing Co(NO3)2 and bleach. The reaction can be described as follows: 2 Co2+ (aq) + ClO- (aq) + 2H2O (l) Co2O3 (s) + 4 H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) Purpose The objective of this experiment is to determine the rate of decomposition of bleach by measurement of gas production at several different temperatures. Hypothesis The decomposition rate will increase if the surrounding temperature increases. If the surrounding temperature increases by 10C, the reaction rate will double. If the temperature decreases by 10C, then the reaction rate will decrease by half. Materials * Household Bleach * Co(NO3)2 solution * Erlenmeyer flask * Stopper and tube * Ring stand * Burette * Graduated cylinder * Thermometer * Burette clamp Procedure Refer to lab instruction sheet Decomposition of Bleach Data Table 1 Accumulation of Oxygen at Room Temperature (24C) Time Interval (s) Volume of Gas (mL) Time Interval (s) Volume of Gas (mL) 30 3.5 210 29.9 60 9.1 240 34.3 90 13.4 270 38.3 120 18.0 300 42.0 150 20.8 330 44.5 180 25.9 360 50.1 Table 2 Accumulation of Oxygen at 10C above Room Temperature (34C) Time Interval (s) Volume of Gas (mL) Time Interval (s) Volume of Gas (mL) 30 8.1 180 37.5 60 13.9 210 41.3 90 20.4 240 45.4 120 26.0 270 49.4 150 31.8 \ Table 3 Accumulation of Oxygen at 10C below Room Temperature (14C) Time Interval (s) Volume of Gas (mL) Time Interval (s) Volume of Gas (mL) 60 0 900 27.2 120 0 960 29.5 180 0 1020 31.9 240 1.8 1080 33.5 300 4.0 1140 36.0 360 6.5 1200 38.0 420 8.9 1260 40.5 540 11.8 1320 42.1 600 13.2 1380 44.1 660 15.6 1440 45.6 720 18.1 1500 47.5 780 21.0 1560 49.6 840 23.0 1579 50.0 Analysis Calculations: Reaction Rate = Reaction rate at room temperature = = 0.14 mL O2 / s Reaction rate at 10C above room temperature = = 0.17 mL O2 / s Reaction rate at 10C below room temperature = = 0.036 mL O2 / s Table 4 Rate of Decomposition of Bleach Surrounding Temperature (C) Reaction Rate (mL/ s)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Shepard’s Keeper :: Essays Papers

The Shepard’s Keeper Throughout time there has been at least one constant that I am aware of. That constant is art. One particular piece of art stands out and catches the eye. That piece of art is The Shepherdess and Her Flock constructed and perfected by Jean Francois Millet. When one makes a certain judgment on a piece of art, one must be precise and certain about that judgment. When observing Millet’s piece I will take in to consideration three things to make my judgment: use of color, theme, and meaning. The Shepherdess and Her Flock catches the eye very quickly. The painting consists of a shepherdess tending to her sheep in some remote hills perhaps and most likely in Western Europe. The shepherdess herself is standing just a few paces ahead of her flock while they are all grouped together tightly apparently feeding. She is holding a staff while studying the ground. The look on her face makes her seem like she is disturbed for some unknown reason. The shepherdess is wearing many articles of clothing. Her first layer is blue and reaches down to her ankles. The next layer appears to be some kind of shawl. The shawl is cream colored and only reaches just past her waist. The final piece of clothing is red and only covers her head. The grass beneath the shepherdess, which covers the entire land, has bald spots and contains dandy lions giving it great character. This is the grass on which the flock is feeding on. Watching over the sheep is a shepherd dog stand just to the right of the flock. The dog stands very proudly and has a great pride in his job. The sky in this work is covered entirely with clouds. The only bare spot in the sky is at the very top of the painting where the clouds begin to split. Millet’s work appears to be set early in the morning. Looking beyond the flock as far as the painting will allow, one can see some hills and trees and perhaps a small village or town. This painting is overwhelming with beauty and style and elegance. Millet comes to the edge of perfection is his work, The Shepherdess and Her Flock. When an artist creates a piece, in this case a painting, the artists must take into consideration the colors that he/she uses.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Moral Law in Trifles

Throughout history it is shown that women have been looked down upon by men. They have been considered inferior to the opposite sex and even as a form of property. â€Å"Trifles† take place in 1916 where the rights of women are yet to be stated a place that is ruled by the paterfamilias, the men. Only men knew what was right, only men knew what was best for their families. Men criticized women a lot and made fun of them.Men do not understand the difficulty of these duties and the hard working hours that are needed to keep a farmhouse and or a family tidy and well organized. Women just make their lives look easier by cooking, cleaning and caring for their children. Although today, we are not burdened with this struggle of being physically and emotionally abused by men, women in the early 1900’s struggled to break free from this mold formed by society.In the â€Å"Trifles† this type of living made lively, singing, happy Minnie Wright turn into a mentally disturbed, cold and routine robot after she married her husband, Mr. Wright. However, in the play women are far from being decorative. They actually show greater strength than the surrounding men. As the men went upstairs to investigate what happen to the husband, the women stays down stairs. They were able to look at the scene and pay attention to the details which lead them to uncover the clues that Mrs.Wright murdered her husband. At that time before the men came downstairs, the women hid the evidence and did not judge Mrs. Wright for her action. I can only say that moral justice prevailed and that law should not be so strict in some cases because there are more psychological aspects in a human mind. The women hid the evidence as an act of compassion for Mrs. Wright. Stealing the box with the dead bird is an act of loyalty to their gender and of defiance against a callous patriarchal society.A murder case like this at that particular time was a shocking thing to solve because it involved t iny details that men could not understand or view without the help of women. Details that are presented in women lifestyle, Mrs. Peter and Mrs. Hale was able to relate to Mrs. Wright to the murder of the killing of her husband. This conflict is the moral justice versus the legal justice meaning that justice can be based on what somebody conscience suggest what is right or wrong, rather than on what that strict law says to be done.Although Mrs. Peters was hesitating about the decision of hiding the evidence, she knew it was the right thing to do. The women understood the moral law and the Sheriff Hale and the County Attorney represented legal justice. In this world women have always been treated second best by men and like they were never good enough for careers outside of the home. The sex of a person should not determine what type of job a person should have. Due to those facts the women in â€Å"Trifles† stood by each other to cover Mrs. Wright tracks

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Kate Chopin’s Story Of An Hour And The Storm Essay

Author Kate Chopin has expressed feminine freedom in two of her short stories: â€Å"The Storm† and â€Å"Story of an Hour†. She was the breakthrough author for female independence and human sexuality. Through these two short stories, Chopin describes the lives of two women who discover their freedom in times where society does not accept women as equal to men. â€Å"The Storm† relates love and marriage as a prevention for free full blown passion. â€Å"Story of an Hour† relates love and marriage to unhappiness and repression. â€Å"The Storm† holds a very symbolic meaning for passion. It affirms feminine sexuality through Calixta and Alcee’s relationship. Despite Calixta’s marriage to Bobinot, she proceeds with her unacceptable behavior in society with Alcee and commits adultery. Her newfound passion determines the importance of passion in 1890s where many women felt they were bound. Many parts in the story foreshadow Calixta and Alcee’s sexual encounter. The storm itself was describing their progressing passion with the encounter of a lightening bolt and thunder: â€Å"Calixta put her hands to her eyes, and with a cry, staggered backward. Alcee’s arm encircled her, and for an instance he drew her close and spasmodically to him.† The increasing power of the storm represents the increasing passion between the two lovers. This short story puts aside the constraints of society and marriage, and opens a door for feminine sexuality. The same sense of freedom that Chopin expressed in â€Å"The Storm† applies to â€Å"Story of an Hour†. Main character Louise Mallard is an elderly woman who has lost her husband. She is in a state of thought when she realizes her newfound freedom. She discovers that her marriage was a bondage and hopes for a long life to enjoy this new freedom. Her marriage seemed to have cast shadows on her happiness. In this time of thought, she focuses on her own feelings and indifference to her husband Brently Mallard. Even more so Louise is affected with her heart condition. Her heart condition foreshadowed Louise’s demise. It’s purpose was to describe her as weak of heart and weak of character. She could not accept her misery and lacked honor even so to be aware of her own unhappiness. This  again expressed the oppression of women in the 1890s mentally and physically. The two stories share a sense of contradiction. Calixta is left happy and renewed after her experience. She welcomes her husband Bobinot and her son Bibi happily when they arrive home after the storm. This is where Chopin describes the first step into freedom of marriage and sexuality. â€Å"Story of an Hour† on the other hand expresses demise of a woman who was on the verge of freedom. Louise is happy too when she realizes that her marriage was preventing her from happiness. She chanted the word free to her self in realization. She is so overwhelmed with her freedom that she dies when her surviving husband appears to her. She dies of knowing that she does not have her freedom after all. Chopin expressed love as a way of freedom and oppression in her short stories. She described Calixta’s adultery a passion while Louis’s marriage an oppression. Either way, it lead to some sort of resolution into freedom. The discovery of passion in â€Å"The Storm† was so great that Alcee himself did not want to commit to his wife. In â€Å"Story of an Hour† Louise Mallard considered her marriage and love unreal and unworthy of her. She does not want to be under the will of another person Women of Chopin’s time felt these fictionous stories, but were undermined of society. Love, passion, and marriage work together in â€Å"The Storm† and â€Å"Story of an Hour† to bring an idea to the reader of how relationships were in the 1890s. Love and marriage fall to passion in Chopin’s stories.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Rethinking Orphanges Essays - Child Welfare, Family, Orphanage

Rethinking Orphanges Essays - Child Welfare, Family, Orphanage Rethinking Orphanges Gina Magnanti Economics Edited by Richard B. McKenzie Reviewed by Jim Powell Nowadays, it is considered acceptable to send a young person from a supportive, wealthy family away to a residential boarding school. At the same time it is considered destructive to send a young person from an unsafe, unhealthy home to a nurturing, educational, residential setting. As a result of old orphanage stereotypes in the past, many residential education programs have shut down during the past four or five decades. Most of these stereotypes werent helped by such examples as shown in Charles Dickens's novel Oliver Twist. Major newsmagazines supported these popular stereotypes with turn-of-the-century pictures of pathetic orphanage residents on their covers. The debate lasted only a few months. The critics claimed victory once again, and nothing was done. The government has failed at taking care of children who find themselves unwanted because their parents have given them up or died. There are now few education-focused, residential settings available for young people, especially adolescents, who dont have homes that can support them nor schools that can effectively teach them. However, there are tens of thousands of children who could benefit from such care. Unwanted children are condemned to constant dependency on individuals who are more concerned with their perks and privileges than with children. The government rewards those who carry out its programs for the number of children they take in, but it doesn't evaluate the quality of care. Children are moved from one program to another each time people dream up some new way to get more funding. This book gives a compelling case that unwanted children are much better cared for in the private sector by orphanages run by churches or other charitable organizations. McKenzie grew up in an orphanage and speaks passionately from his own experience. He is thankful for having had an orphanage provide continuity in his life. The kind of continuance that is lacking in today's government-run foster care system. Children are often sent through the system consisting of foster care homes. McKenzie notes that surveys show the majority of orphans tend to look back on their experiences with gratitude. Rethinking Orphanages for the 21st Century provides the foundation for a real national policy debate. The short-lived, sound-bite-based national policy debate on orphanage care that took place in late 1994 was, regrettably, founded on old orphanage stereotypes. House Speaker Newt Gingrich praised the 1930s movie Boys Town, whereas his critics in the Clinton administration countered with visions of orphanages in London in the late 1800s, as depicted in Charles Dickens's novel Oliver Twist. This edited volume is the first attempt to rethink critical issues relating to the care of disadvantaged young people. One contributor evaluates the current dreadful state of care for many American children. Another contributor evaluates the literature relating to orphanage care and finds much of it to be lacking. Yet another contributor does what the critics have not done- and surveys orphans about how they have done in life and how they look back on their experiences. Unfortunately, the reality of orphanages and the Hollywood portrayals of them was never compared until this.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Analyzing Jealousy In Othello English Literature Essay

Analyzing Jealousy In Othello English Literature Essay Shakespeare’s play of Othello is largely driven by a grand love story, and filled with jealousy. Through the juxtaposition of Othello’s credulous nature and Iago’s pernicious villainy, the image of jealousy is truly personified as an all-consuming â€Å"green-eyed monster†. Because of this venomous nature of the beast of jealousy, the events of the play manage to unfold in Iago’s lustful authority, which bring down the eponymous character to his tragic downfall. In human psychology today, the modern definition of jealousy remains relatively unchanged from Shakespeare’s time, albeit being expressed in more modern scientific terms. It is defined as â€Å"a complex of thoughts, feelings, and actions which follow threats to self-esteem and/or threats to the existence or quality of the relationship †¦ generated by the perception of a real or potential attraction between one’s partner and a (perhaps imaginary) rival.† (White, 19 81, p. 24). In scenes of jealousy, there are typically a triad of people involved: a jealous and threatened individual, a partner of the opposite gender, and his/her third party rival. In the case of Othello, there are certainly three important people involved at the beginning: Iago being the jealous individual, Desdemona being the partner, and Othello being the third party rival. Iago definitely feels threatened by Othello’s dominance over him, both in his military rank and his relationship with Desdemona, as portrayed upon Iago’s words, â€Å"I hate the Moor!† (I,iii,377). Iago then manages to spread his jealousy to his impending victims, such as Othello; as the subject of his jealousy is partly the sheer beauty of Desdemona. In the plot of Othello, the most devious and perfect example of a human incarnation of the â€Å"green-eyed monster† is Iago. Iago originally becomes jealous when Othello succeeds in convincing Desdemona to marry him. Iago’s searing hate of Othello deep within him also contributes to his extreme jealousy. He is also very envious of Othello’s military rank of the General of the Venetian Army – in military terms, Iago is ranked two levels below him. The jealous Iago crafts his plans with the intention to bring down Othello exactly in these two areas: to eventually force Othello to lose his position as General (I,iii,395), and to create distrust within him and Desdemona, such that the two will eventually split (I,iii,339). Iago’s inner personality is ideal for a villain; he is innately a very sly, manipulative and venomous man, who is willing to take every risk to ensure that his plans are carried out successfully. However, despite his intense jealousy, Iago astutely manages to control his feelings and hide his jealousy, such to the degree he earns the informal title â€Å"honest Iago† among the characters of the play. Because of Iago’s pernicious and duplicitous charact er, his kind of jealousy can be perfectly portrayed as the pernicious â€Å"green eyed monster† – it strikes slowly, stealthily and deceptively, but once it hits, it is lethal and very contagious. A direct example of how Iago’s jealousy is key in giving his schemes their devious characteristics is shown in a crucial scene in Act 3, when Cassio spontaneously finds an anonymous handkerchief on his bed. That scene, in short, is a perfect testament to Iago’s manipulative genius and sly deceptiveness. From the pure coincidence of Emilia placing the handkerchief onto Cassio’s bed, to Iago’s luck of Bianca scolding Cassio and assuming him of leaving her to another woman, we can see how intricately weaved and devious, yet perfectly planned Iago’s scheme is; he is ALWAYS thinking. Yet, Iago is very patient in his scheme – the whole episode evolves not in seconds or in minutes, but in a matter of hours or even days. In addition, Iago man ages to see this part of his scheme unroll successfully, without even being noticed or brought into the picture at all! As such, from the flawless manner in which Iago’s scheme unrolls in this episode, we can perfectly see how and why Iago seems like the ideal, pernicious villain, whose intense jealousy strikes not unlike Shakespeare’s â€Å"green eyed monster† – slowly, stealthily, but lethally.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The First Amendment and Its Impact on Education Essay

The First Amendment and Its Impact on Education - Essay Example But how can it be coercion? Those against the Pledge say that, like prayer in the classroom, is completely unconstitutional. But according to the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, it states just the opposite. The Constitution states that whether or not these are religious exercises, they shall not be impeded. No one forces students to partake in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance and schools do not give preferential treatment to those that do. However, if a school decides to have an election for a student to present a message at a sports event of the school, then they should be able to. If, the student chooses to say a prayer so be it. Religion is stamped all over history. From the earliest days of man to the Holocaust to the Spanish Inquisition to the Reformation and to the Founding Fathers of our great Nation, religion was always there and prevalent in society. Thus, a student will never escape religion in his studies. In conclusion, if a person tries to stamp out prayer or the Pledge of Allegiance in schools by saying it is unconstitutional, then they are going to have to over haul all of the history texts that students study. Studying history may coerce our students into believing that there is a

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Chrysler Electrical Cars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chrysler Electrical Cars - Essay Example It uses a 268 horsepower electric motor and has a gas tank that can hold 10 gallons of gasoline for providing an extended range. The Chrysler town is powered by a 255 horsepower electric motor and a two-cylinder gasoline engine. It has a gas tank that can hold up to nine gallons of gasoline. The fiat 500 E which was launched in Los Angeles Auto show in the year 2012 has an electric battery propulsion control system, High voltage battery plus in charging system, an advanced thermal management system and air bags. It was designed so as to improve the performance of the electric cars and competition to the General Motors Volt and Spark and the Ford Focus electric. Several changes were made including changing the 500 ICE powering unit, fitting a new chassis and suspension for the improvement of the driving dynamics and enhancing the aerodynamics. The aerodynamics of the Fiat 500 E was improved by re-sculpturing the front and the rear fascias. The quarter panels feature concave dimples and the rear fascia includes several round holes. The rear spoiler was tested for over 140 hours in a wind tunnel so as to cut the drag and add five additional miles of the mile per gallon range. The Fiat 500 E features a Smartphone application that is available for both android and apple oper ating systems. The Smartphone application is aimed for managing the charging, tracking energy usage, locating the vehicle and charging stations that are nearby. The Smartphone application also provides real time status of the vehicle and text message notifications, tracks the use of power and the user or driver can plan and send routes to vehicle (Journal of the ATA electric vehicle interest groups Geelong and Melbourne, issue 45 December 2012) The Iconic Italian design of the Fiat is driven by an 83-Kilowatt electric motor and a Lithium-ion battery (24kw) that is mounted to the floor of the car. The electric motor delivers 147

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Perioperative pratice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Perioperative pratice - Essay Example A brief account of the responsibilities of operating room personnel and their functioning has been outlined. Perioperative care of patient scheduled for surgery includes practices and procedures followed prior to, during, and immediately after the surgery. This begins with a thorough evaluation of the patient’s illness, physical and mental condition, and certain vital statistics. Vaginal wall prolapse occurs due to weakening or damage of supporting structures of the pelvic organs. Prolapse of anterior wall, also known as cystocele, occurs when the bladder protrudes into the centre of anterior wall of the vagina causing stress incontinence, urinary frequency, difficult urination, vaginal bulge, and severe pain. Prolapse of the posterior vaginal wall, known as rectocele, occurs when the rectum and bowel bulge forward (Chamberlain & Browen-Simpson; 2000). Considering the physical impairment of the patient, she has to be given appropriate comfort level throughout the perioperative care period and this can be accomplished through proper communication, and involves accurate hearing, defining, organizing, interpreting, managing exchanges with the patient, the operating room multidisciplinary team, and other hospital practitioners. At the reception, information related to identification criteria, consent, specific needs and problems, fasting status, preoperative tests and situation, personal belongings etc are recorded. After the documentation process, the patient can be transferred to the preoperative room. Specific identification protocol as designed by the hospital needs to be followed, like specific ID cards or wrist bands with identification numbers etc. other identification details can include the patient’s date of birth, room number, bed number, and physician’s name. When asking for patient name, care should be taken to identify patient with similar names with extra identification specifics such as the hospital ID number (Phillips,

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Nurses Shortage Definition Aspects and Solutions

Nurses Shortage Definition Aspects and Solutions Health care persists to face a momentous shortage of registered nurses. This is an old crisis and continues to be a threat to nursing career. There are plenty of studies done to find the reasons behind the nursing shortage. Moreover, it is a global problem. Nursing education, nursing retention unsafe work place, complex quality improvement and patient safety, low nurses income and complicated recruitment requirements. All these factors influence nurses shortage worldwide. The aim of this paper is to discuss and analyze global nurses shortage and highlight the causes and solutions with a recommendation to deal with nurses shortage in health care systems. Development of Nurses Shortage Sophen (1954) found that nurses shortage in the United States started 1932-1953 when the number of hospitals changed very little, but the number of beds increased 52% more and this increases nurses shortage due to the coverage need (Sophen, 1954). Thirty three years later, Aiken noted that the legislation and diminishing result on nurses salaries at a time when other professions salaries were increasing, influencing nurses to depart the career. (Aiken, 2007). During the 1990s, the nurses shortage was 11% of full time registered nurses, by 1992, the nurses shortage subsided and nurses supply was positive. In 1997, hospitals started to feel pressure of nurses vacancy rate 13%. But this time shortage has not moved away and stays a topic difficult to solve. (Rebekah, Kathreen 2009). WHO collected data of nurses, population ratios in WHO regions: The Americas, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, Africa, South East Asia, and Western pacific. The data analysis shows that in Africa and South East Asia, the ratio declines, while the highest ratio was in Europe regions as it is almost ten times more than the lower regions. (WHO, 2006). A study conducted in the United States by Buerhaus and his colleges in 2007 and found that in 2020 the nation will be short of 76,000.00 nurses, as well as, he stated that, this nurses shortage may shut down most of the system and cause care to be rationed. (Buerhaus, 2008). The low supreme number of existing nurses in many countries is mixed by difficulties with their geographic distributions or complexities in recruiting and retaining nurses. This is a characteristic of both developed and developing countries. Definition of the Shortage of Nurses What is shortage of nursing? Shortage of nurses can be defined in two different means. First, professional standards when the number of nurses is not enough to provide high quality of care. However, administrators fail to determine the quantity of nurses needed to provide the high quality of care. (Goldfarbetat, 2008). Second, in economic terms, nurses shortage presents when there are not enough number of nurses to provide the best quality standards and no fund to supply to open additional positions. Thus, definition of nurses shortage is difficult and complex. (Rebekah, Abrahamson, 2009). A diverse definition which is more practical with the reality discovered by Bachnan, defined the nursing shortage is not by nurses number but how the health system functions to facilitate nurses to use their skills effectively. (Buchan, 2008). Nursing Education and Shortage Raising demand of Baccalaureate and graduate prepared nurses conveys nurses shortage. The National Advisory Council on Nursing Education and Practice (NACEP) is proposing at least two-third of the nurses work force hold a baccalaureate or higher degrees in nursing by 2010. (NACEP, 2004). According to American Association of College of Nursing, professional nurses must be prepared at the baccalaureate level to ward convene developing health career requires. (AACN, 2005). Professional development refers to study obligation to continue definite skill levels and career lane. This ensures nurses skills and knowledge are update and applicable. (Lannon, 2007). Each nurse should take responsibility for personal, professional development. This will enhance quality of care and keep up technological and scientific changes that are occurring in health care sitting. However, the health care systems are not assisting nurses for education development and this keeps the nurses far from the essential profession development. (Copper, 2009). According to American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN, 2005), over 32,000.00 qualified candidates were rejected to baccalaureate and graduate program due to the lack of experienced faculty in 2004,which means shortage in nursing faculty. (Evans, 2009). The long terms solution is to increase the pool of baccalaureate nurses who can obtain the graduate education needed for various roles like faculty. (Aiken, 2008). On the other hand, nurses will persist seeking higher degree in nursing education, because of the exciting and financially rewarding pulse opportunities for management positions. (Curtin, 2008). As per a study done in the United States by Westphal, concluded that nurses leaders turnover causes nurses shortage in registered nurses at hospitals. So, it is advised to reduce turnover of nurse leaders. (Westphal, 2009). The Impact of Workplace in Nursing Shortage Nursing work is traumatic while other professional alternatives are accessible. However, it is challenging to fight for the choice of profession which is not successful to balance financially for this daily tension. (Kaestner, 2005). Shift work nature causes physical damage to nurses and impact nurses prolong existence in the profession. According to cooper (2003), Registered nurses experiencing the physical, cognitive and emotional challenges of growing older while the profession demands more. In addition, working night and evening shifts influence nurse performance and lifestyle which motivate many nurses to move into outside hospital sitting. (Rebekah Abrahamson 2009). As well as, the new technologies into nursing daily work add a pressure and increase nurses work load and reduce the time nurses have to spend with the patient and affected the ability to detect complications early. (Beurhaus, 2008). Furthermore, nurses felt additional stress due to the idea that if they commit an error, penalizing action might be taken against them. As known that the nurses are responsible for ensuring patient safety without adequate decision making authority or impartial income. (Rebekah Abrhamson, 2009). Quality Question In 1998, the health care quality and safety started to take place, leaders noticed the strong relationship between nursing and patient outcome and realized nurses shortage. Thus, the leaders recognize the need to solve nursing shortage and as are adequate size of nurses or they will see quality suffer and low patients services. (Buerhaus, 2008). As a result, linking quality of care with adequate stuff will move nurses from the cost category in the direction of believing advantage, which will lead to increase wages and progress practice environment (Elgie, 2007) Recruitment and Retention International recruitment require great attention, where an organization in one country recruits nurses from another country. This has been mounting characteristic of global nursing labor markets, as developed countries utilize factors to attract nurses in developing countries. (WHO, 2006). These factors comprise low income, poor career configuration; reduce chance for further, education in some countries threat of violence. The risk is that action might just dislodge the shortage to another country, which may have fewer resources to solve it. (Aike of Buchan 2008). Nurses are attracted to work and remain working because of the chances to expand professionally to gains self sufficiency, and share in decision making while being reasonably rewarded. (Buchan, 2000). Aspects linked to work environment are critical, as well as some evidence that a decentralized style of management, flexible employment opportunities, and access to ongoing professional development can improve both the retention of nursing stuff level patient care. (Aiken, 2008). UAE and Nursing Shortage 3% of the UAE nationals are nurses. Although this percentage is low to UAE hospitals needs, the UAE population are not motivated to study and work in nursing profession. (Khan, 2006). On the other hand, the cause being far of nursing profession, minimum nursing education institution as compared to other specialty and the concept of cultural values (Underwood, 2010). UAE ministry of health in the process to open new education institutions which will be available in all emirates, as well as, the new council of nursing which started examining nurses skills by licensure examination (Underwood, 2010). Conclusion There is particular or universal measure or description of nursing shortage, although, obvious evidence of insufficient nursing resources in several countries, along with, evidence of poor exploit of obtainable nursing resources in many more. Many countries should augment and support their work force development capacity crossways professions and regulations to recognize the skills responsibility needed to convene identified services requirement. Furthermore, this is partially about extended term alliance between education development, work place environment improvement, quality improved and funded demand. Moreover, improving routine matching of nurses staffing with work load and maintain balance between nurses work and personal life. Health systems need to work on effective skill mix through clearance of roles and better equilibrium of registered nurses, charge nurses, assistance nurses, physicians and health professionals, in order to solve nursing shortage problem.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Pacific Oil Essay -- Business Analysis

The Pacific Oil Company was formed in 1902 and had been the leader in the manufacturing of a petroleum product Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM). This product was Pacific Oil's major product line and was the main component to the manufacturing of plastics, used in many products. In 1979, Pacific Oil had landed a major contract with reliant and had over the years establish a great working partnership. The Reliant Corporation was one of Pacific’s largest and most valued customers and Pacific Oil Company wanted to renegotiate their current contract with the Reliant Corporation, with the goal of extending before it expired. Pacific’s negotiation team, Jean Fontaine, Marketing Vice President for Europe with Paul Gaudin, Marketing Manager of VCM along with representatives Frederick Hauptmann, Senior Purchasing Manager and Egon Zinnser, Regional VP for European operation from The Reliant Corporation, where to spend nearly two year working through the extension of the contract. In the end, the contract settlement was down to a final item that Pacific was not happy about, that may my then loose the extension altogether. Facing Hard Times Pacific Oil company was facing some economic changes over the next 10 years and the demand for its VCM was going o face some fierce competition. In the next 20 - 30 months other VCM manufactures will be producing the raw product to compete directly with Pacific Oil Company. The supply of the product over the next decade was expected to grow by over 1000 MM pounds each year, nearly doubling that as each year progressed. This poses a massive threat to Pacific oil as it negotiates its contracts only five years our and is now being pressured by Reliant to only extend their contract by three years. Reliant was... ...ine and Gaudin was going to present. Reliant had done their homework on their demands, potential softness of the market and was preparing themselves adequately to be able to deal with any changes. Pacific was not as prepared at the negotiation table as Reliant, and was eventually backed into a corner on a single item in the renewed control, the option for Reliant to re-sale any VCM product they have left over. The was a major oversight on the final advice from Kelsey in securing a huge customer and giving them time in further analysis the demand and impact that the new manufacturers would cause. Reference Lewicki, R. J., Saunders, D. M., & Barry, B. (2010). Negotiation Readings, Exercises and Cases (6th ed.). New York, NY, US: McGraw-Hill. Lewicki, R. J., Saunders, D. M., & Barry, B. (2011). Essentials of Negotiation (5th ed.). New York, NY, US: McGraw-Hill.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Gaskell North and South Essay

Gaskell’s ‘North and South’, set in Victorian England, is the story of Margaret Hale, a young woman whose life is completely turned on its head when her family moves to northern England. As an outsider from the agricultural south, Margaret is initially shocked by the aggressive northerners of the dirty, smoky industrial town of Milton, but as she adapts to her new home, she defies social conventions with her ready sympathy and defense of the working poor. Her passionate advocacy of the lower classes leads her to repeatedly clash with charismatic mill owner John Thornton over his treatment of his workers. While Margaret denies her growing attraction to him, Thornton agonizes over his foolish passion for her, in spite of their heated disagreements. As tensions mount between them, a violent unionization strike explodes in Milton, leaving everyone to deal with the aftermath in the town and in their personal lives. Gaskell’s novel could certainly be described as a social commentary; England at the time was extremely class-conscious, yet In almost all cases, Margaret does not so much choose sides as acknowledge mutually dependent and beneficial relationships. Though her family has very little in the way of money or assets, her family roots are in the gentry, yet when the family is moved up North to Milton, Margaret befriends and socializes with both ends of the social spectrum, mill owners and workers. Margaret is even capable of initiating a friendship of sorts between worker and owner, Higgins and Thornton even come up with a plan together to provide a canteen for the workers to get hot food. Differences in life in the South and life in the North are compared and contrasted often in a very subtle fashion, as are the differences in values and class structure. It is also very interesting to note that the difficulties of the lives of the impoverished factory workers are highlighted, however the difficulties faced by the factory owners are also presented. Through Margaret, Gaskell is able to transcend social class and at the same time create a hero amongst the industrial poverty of Milton, she acts in a way that would have been unconventional and frowned upon at the time for the good of such people as the Higgins family. When she is seen bringing a basket of food to the house during the workers strike, her peers condemn her at a dinner at the Thornton’s. Highlighting both the differences between northern and southern culture and the clashes between social conscientiousness. It could be said that ‘North and South’ is a novel defined by the resolution of binary conflicts; Margaret Hale is presented with a number of divisions of sympathy, between industrialists and the working class, between conflicting views of Mr.  Thornton, and even between her conflicting views of her own intelligence. Nancy Mann, in her essay â€Å"Intelligence and Self-Awareness in ‘North and South’: a Matter of Sex and Class† stipulates that the novel â€Å"concentrates on a crucial problem of the development of the novel in the nineteenth century, the relationship between abstract intelligence and self-awareness, and the ways in which this relationship may be affected by factors of sex and class†(1). What Mann is saying is that Gaskell is successful in throwing off the conventional boundaries of the classic romantic Victorian with all its feminist connotations and persuasions and has created a character that transcends the constraints of class and what is proper to actually do some good in her new environment. Gaskell’s most prominent social explorations however come in the form of contrasts. For example Margaret’s relationship with the Higgins family, especially Bessie, both nineteen years old when they meet, one healthy and the other gravely ill can be seen as a dramatic comment on class iniquity. Gaskell uses Bessie as a dramatic device in the novel to draw Margaret and her father closer, a task some literary critics consider to be so well done that Bessie is often discounted from the actual story. She is also a device to show the plight of the working class woman, Bessie is even described by one critic as ‘the most extensive portrait of a factory girl in the mainstream industrial novels, and as such, she reveals the political and economic tensions surrounding working class women'(2). Even Margaret says â€Å"Bessie’s comments address the specific problems of working-class women, problems that both unions and the middle class have an interest in ignoring†. Even when Bessie’s religious beliefs and her questioning of unionism are considered she is very revealing, Margaret sees her as having â€Å"a politics of her own† which both reveals her sense of disenfranchisement from the ongoing struggle between ‘masters and men’ and presents the most telling evidence in the novel of the iniquities of the class system. Something else that has to be considered in this scenario with Bessie as a dramatic tool towards Gaskell’s social commentary Elizabeth Gaskell’s ‘North and south’: A National Bildungsroman. † Victorian Newsletter 85 (1994) Briefly traces the emergence of and critical debate on the industrial novel, noting â€Å"the industrial novels have been read largely in relation to male working-class history, not in relation to female working-class history or to the emerging nineteenth-century women’s movement. The critic also goes on to stipulate that the comments on the patriarchal foundations of both Chartism and the union movement makes a case for the need to consider Marxist and feminist issues when considering the issues raised in north and south. He goes on to suggest that â€Å"by placing her heroine, Margaret Hale, between North and South, Gaskell attempts to bring to the surface the unconscious bifurcations that produce class and gender ideologies† and that because the novel is both a Bildungsroman as well as an industrial novel it acquires â€Å"unusual dimensions in both categories†(3). Feminism also plays a big part in Gaskell’s novel, through her three main characters, Margaret, Thornton and Higgins Gaskell shows a struggle for growth and indicates what the future of society may hold for people in similar situations and how society can grow as a whole. When the novel is examined as a debate on class and gender issues, the amount of time the characters spend â€Å"arguing about word choices, definitions and analogies† it is clear that almost all interactions in the novel are affected in some way by gender or class, even in language, â€Å"every term that comes under debate is changed with class or gender import†(4). With this much importance forced upon the character’s class and gender by their social environment a reader is certainly inclined to read the novel as an exploration into the Victorian class system rather than a conventional love story of the time. Even in Margaret’s romantic capacity as a woman, her gradual sexual awareness of John Thornton and their Marriage at the end of the novel is more understandable to read in a more feminist light than a romantic one. In marrying Thornton Margaret enters into a mutually equal relationship, one where her influence and goals will be felt as well as his, â€Å"through Margaret, Gaskell subtly reveals the new directions women are taking toward independent action and freedom†(5). However at the same time recognizing that the changes she undergoes are in no way revolutionary and that though the conflicting ideas of obedience and freedom are not completely settled by the end of the novel, â€Å"at least one woman has emerged into responsible adulthood and has claimed her part in deciding the terms of that settlement†(6). What is most interesting about this novel is that all the elements of a romantic novel are there, but it is written in a way that turns the readers head from the sentimental pride and prejudice Esq. prose and makes them focus on the environment and its social deficiencies â€Å"through this story of social rejection and Christian compassion, Gaskell charges her culture to replace what she sees as a rigid and reductive old testament ethic of charity†(7). This idea of a old to new change in a religious sense is also backed by Gaskell’s own Unitarian background, her father was a Unitarian minister, as was her husband, Margaret’s father in the novel itself is also a minister it could even be suggested that â€Å"Gaskell’s beliefs provided her with an alternative vision of society and code of behavior†(8) the importance of Gaskell’s religious beliefs and Unitarianism can be found in many aspects of the novel, not least that Unitarianism believed in the cultivation of the intellect regardless of sex, she found the religious authority to challenge the patriarchal subjugation of women, especially those who failed to fulfill their designated role in society. It is ironic to think; â€Å"in a period nearly defined by its theological doubt, Gaskell’s spiritual faith authorizes her revolutionary vision†(9). When Mr. Thornton, without further verbal explication, proposes to Margaret in a â€Å"strange and presumptuous way† at the end of the novel, we see the proper structure of an intimate relationship, both sides respect each other’s power while Thornton refuses to impose a political hierarchy. This is emphasized by the exchange over the flowers, which he bought as a token of her independent self, which is a revolutionary idea in itself at this point in history and conversely, gives rise to his second comment referring to marriage as possession, saying he had â€Å"no hope of ever calling her mine†, and the second refutation of such terms. Although the novel does not strive at any point to be romantic at the expense of the real issues that Gaskell tackles in the way people lived at the time, their unspoken resolution to marry signifies the resolution of the novel the binding of two genders, halves of England, social classes, and individuals, into one. In conclusion Gaskell is very successful in going further than any of her peers in actually exploring deficiencies in Victorian culture and society, although the main components of a classic love story are there, Margaret opts for the conscientious, religious option at every turn making the novel more a serious social commentary than anything else. Gaskell’s religious persuasion adds to this in that it allows her to transcend the class system and her constraints as a woman in Victorian England to address these problems under the banner of religion.